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Employment News

An Established Firm With the Energy for Today’s Legal Problems.

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Legalities, a must read newsletter for employers and employees.

from Mike Farhi

A Newsletter for Clients and Colleagues

Winter 2010New Anti-Bulling Law Will Soon Be in Effect

Spring 2010On the Waterfront? Not exactly, Mike Farhi & Partners are Hired by Hoboken

Summer 200815 years later…Employees and Employers Still Affected by Harassment at Work

Winter 2008The Year in Review: Employment News from 2007

February 2007FAQ’s: Employees Ask About Job Discrimination What exactly is employment discrimination?

October 2006FAQ’s: You’re Fired! Is there a good way to fire or to be fired
from a job?

November 2005FAQ’s: Employee Handbooks. What is an employee handbook?

If you’d like Mike Farhi’s newsletter mailed directly to you, want to know about breaking employment law news, or have questions or comments about anything he’s written, please contact him.