Many people assume that the New Jersey Law Against Discrimination (LAD) only applies to employment and housing issues. But the anti-discrimination law also applies to all business that offer goods, services and facilities to the general public, legally known as a...
Month: September 2016
When It Comes To Discrimination, The Customer Isn’t Right
Whether it's true or not, people complain about their jobs. They can range from an overbearing boss to low pay. But if you're an employee subjected to intolerable behavior not from a boss but from a customer, then you may have legal recourse. In the recent case of...
Police Searches Have Limits in NJ
The Fourth Amendment of the United States Constitution and the New Jersey State Constitution protect citizens against unreasonable searches. They guarantee that people have the right to privacy in their persons, houses, papers, and effects. Homes are particularly...
How Not to Deal With an Employee’s Disability
In the recent case of Cook v. Gregory Press Inc., an employee claimed that he was wrongfully terminated due to his disability in violation of the New Jersey Law Against Discrimination (LAD) and that his employer failed to provide a reasonable accommodation and engage...
You Can Be The Worst Kind of Hater – In Your Will
When it comes to making wills, people's worst instincts can come out. Children and others can be disinherited for unreasonable and sometimes malicious reasons. But New Jersey courts are not concerned about why someone wrote his or her will in a certain way, unless...
Private Schools Must Follow The Rules
Private schools may not have to follow the same rules and procedures as public schools, but they still have to follow the rules that they themselves have put into place. If there were no standards that private schools had to maintain, they could arbitrarily treat and...